
Junior Coaches

The Ringette Alberta Junior Coach Program is an important part of the ringette experience for both the junior coach and the players. The program is available to players who wish to be involved in developing their leadership skills while coaching a ringette team at the U12 and under levels.

Junior coaches provide leadership, role modeling, and mentoring to their younger counterparts while working under the guidance and supervision of a certified coach. Junior Coaches are responsible for assisting coaches in practices and at games and signing the game sheets.

All Junior Coaches must complete the Coach Initiation in Sport module. For more information please go to the Ringette Alberta website. You will need to register on to access the program. During National Coaches week that course is free (Sept 16-22th), you don‘t have to complete it during that time but register and start.

To qualify to be a junior coach, you must meet the following criteria:

Junior Coach Applications

Junior Coach Application – Applications open June 30, 2024 - Deadline Sept 15, 2024

CLICK HERE for the Junior Coach Application information

Junior Coaches: Even if you have junior coached before and are staying with a coach you have previously been assigned to, you must complete the application form. Note that your parents have to sign as well.

If you have any questions please contact

Junior Coach Policy

  1. Any Ringette athlete between the ages of 14 and 17 years at the start of the season, who is currently playing or who played in the previous season may apply to be a Junior Coach with NW Ringette.

  2. There is no limit to the number of Junior Coaches on a Team Roster, however, NW Ringette will only pay to register a maximum of TWO PER TEAM. If teams wish to register more than two Junior Coaches, it is at their expense.

  3. Junior Coaches DO NOT replace mandatory, fully certified female coaches who must be at least 18 years of age.

  4. It is the responsibility of the Head Coach to ensure a Junior Coach completes the required worksheets as per Ringette Alberta‘s policy.

  5. No Coach, including Junior Coaches, should be alone with athletes at any time, including in the dressing room. Junior Coaches should also not be alone with Coaches at any time, this is the responsibility of both the Coach and the Junior Coach.

  6. Unless agreed to by the majority of parents, travel expenses for Junior Coaches are not the responsibility of the team.

  7. It is the responsibility of the Head Coach to ensure the Ringette Alberta Policy regarding Team Staff is followed. This policy can be found in its entirety on the Ringette Alberta website: If a team is found in violation of this policy, they will be responsible for any fines imposed.

Quick Links

Ringette Calgary Website Ringette Alberta Website
Alberta Tournaments Ringette AB Portal
City Championships Provincials
Ringette Calgary Website Ringette Alberta Website Alberta Tournaments
Ringette AB Portal City Championships Provincials